
Chapter One :Chapter 1

Jinghai City's Fourth High School, Freshmen Registration Day.

The school gate swings open with a bang, a throng of people rushing in, much like an army storming a fortress!

Song He clutches his school bag and charges in, unable to stop his blood pressure from soaring.

A new battle has begun! The fierce fight for Jinghai Fourth High!

As the crowd pushes forward, Song He curiously looks around.

The brand-new teaching buildings on both sides seem tall and towering, emanating a vague aura of solemn authority.

After numerous rounds of high school entrance exams over the years, countless academic prodigies have ascended here, while just as many poor students were brutally eliminated, turning into bloody footprints on this path.

Currently, it's break time. Sophomores and juniors lean against the window sills to watch the spectacle, their expressions varied as they look down upon the sea of freshmen.

"Freshmen look so naive, just perfect for our homework overflow!"

"I wonder if there are any skipping-grade prodigies this year. Last year, a genius in class eight took the college entrance exam early and ascended."

"Run, kids! High school is a big nightmare! Whoever said that strenuous studying can make you a top student, it's all a trap!"

"I still had dreams of getting into Tsinghua when I first entered school last year. Half a month later, I'm sleeping soundly in class!"

"Give the freshmen a box of test papers each, one person one box. Let the next-door school think we have too much to learn."

Song He's face darkens. The animosity from his seniors is overwhelming.

Suddenly, the school radio comes on, overtaking the school's noisy chatter.

"Attention, all freshmen!"

"General class students, report to Classroom Building No. 1 on the east side!"

"Elite class students, head for Building No. 2 on the west side!"

"Rocket class students, please proceed to the Headmaster's Office in the Main Building for registration!"

The crowd immediately disperses. Song He checks the building number and quickly heads towards Building No. 2.

Different classes are already divided at the beginning of the school year. Although it's said that high school is hell, even hell has eighteen layers!

High school resembles the sects in fantasy novels, a place where hard power is truly respected, grades are like cultivational levels, and those with high cultivation are revered!

Just as he's making his way, a hand suddenly lands on his shoulder.

"Song He! You're also at Fourth Middle School now!"

"You've gone the wrong way! This is the elite class, the general class is in the opposite direction!"

Song He turns around with surprise in his eyes.

His junior high school classmate, Zhao Yiyi, has grown even prettier after a summer apart.

With her fair skin, swinging high ponytail, and curvier figure, even in her loose sportswear, she cannot hide her natural allure.

"I've not gone the wrong way, I'm meant for the elite class." Song He chuckled.

"But didn't you score 620 in the middle school final exam? Only scores above 640 can enter the elite class, right?" Zhao Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, "You should be in the general class, please check your admission documents again, don't mix it up."

Song He instantly took out his registration materials and unfolded them.

【Song He 620 points, Elite Class 2】

Zhao Yiyi was stunned, "Oh my, I'm also in Elite Class 2! Wait a minute, how did you get into the elite class with those scores? Do you have any special talent?"

Song He revealed a meaningful smile, "My last name is Song, and by a stroke of luck, the vice principal shares the same last name."

Zhao Yiyi was dumbfounded!

"Let's go, if fate wills it, we'll be classmates for another three years. Let's hurry up and secure good seats in the classroom," Song He swiftly changed the subject.

【Zhao Yiyi finds out you're a 'relative' and feels slightly sour. Resentment value +1!】

【Accumulate 10 points of the study master resentment value, the system can be activated!】

Suddenly, a line of text appeared before his eyes.

Song He, taken aback, rubbed his eyes and the text disappeared again.

Activate the system? Was he hallucinating?

He must cut down on the webnovels in the future. If a real system started, it would be troublesome. He'd be doing tasks every day, just like a slave.

After finishing the registration process downstairs, the two of them rushed upstairs and found their classroom.

The students were incredibly fast. The classroom was almost fully seated!

Only the front row was left, with two empty desks by the window.

A man in his middle age, fierce as a tiger, sat by an empty table. His face was stern, his nostrils exuding an eerie chill, radiating a terrifying aura of a class monitor that could devour someone at any moment.

Steeled for the impending interaction, Song He bravely approached, “Good day, Teacher.”

Wordlessly, the class monitor stood up, making room.

Three desks were lined up side by side. Zhao Yiyi squeezed into the seat furthest in, while Song He settled in the middle.

Unexpectedly, the class monitor sat back down, his imposing, tiger-like figure almost grazing against Song He. On top of the desk was a stack of new student registration forms, where the teacher was busy ticking off with a pen, much like Yama marking souls off from the book of life and death. This was going to take some time.

Terrified, Song He pulled his arm closer, discreetly taking out his Maths textbook.

After the middle school exam and during the summer holidays, Song He was exploding with ambition, vigorously catching up on the high school coursework. From dawn to dusk, he studied tirelessly, pushing himself into the realms of intense struggle. His grasp of the maths textbook was thorough, every page filled with extensive notes, soaked with academic sweat.

From a hidden compartment within the textbook, Song He pulled out an examination paper and, clicking his gel pen open, started writing.

The soft thud of his pen hitting the tabletop caught the attention of the class monitor, who lethargically turned his piercing gaze, his eyebrows flicking upwards.

“Studying on your own during the vacation?” The teacher glanced towards the examination paper, his tiger eyes revealing a tinge of surprise. “How much have you covered?”

“I’ve gone through Compulsory Modules 1-3 and Elective Module 1,” replied Song He, sounding confident. “I have basically mastered it.”

Zhao Yiyi, sitting nearby, was startled by overhearing the exchange, her gaze turning to Song He with a look of astonishment.

Before the term has even started and he has mastered four books?

Are you trying to risk your life by boasting in front of the class monitor? Don’t you fear that the class monitor might grind you down?

With a frown, the class monitor’s brief glimmer of a smile vanished.

"Have you mastered it? Can you explain the basic steps of drawing a frequency distribution histogram?"

The homeroom teacher asked sternly, his face as grave as still water. He was gathering his anger, silently preparing to scold this new student.

On the first day of school, he was worried about not having an opportunity to show his authority. Now he could chastise this arrogant new student and, at the same time, warn the other students in the class.

Zhao Yiyi looked at Song He with sympathy. "You're screwed if the teacher really asks you this, aren't you flustered now?"

"First step, calculate the range. Second step, decide on the group interval and the number of groups. Third step, group the data. Fourth step, prepare the frequency distribution table, which includes grouping, cumulative frequency, frequency, and the frequency rate. The total frequency is the sample size, and the total frequency rate is 1." Song He answered quickly and started to sketch a sample diagram on the draft paper, "Finally, draw the frequency distribution histogram, the horizontal axis represents the sample data, and the vertical axis is the frequency divided by the group interval."

Zhao Yiyi was stunned. Wait a minute, the plot isn't going as expected. Shouldn't Song He be scolded by the teacher for stuttering? Can he actually answer the question?

A look of surprise passed over the teacher's face, and half of his pent-up anger dissipated. The big scold he had prepared was no longer needed.

"What are the basic steps in finding the equation of a curve?" The teacher continued.

"First, establish a coordinate system. Next, represent any point M on the curve with ordered real numbers

x, y

. Write a set that fits the condition p for point M. Express condition p


in coordinates. List the equation f

x, y

equals 0 and simplify the equation." Song He answered fluently, "There are two things to note here, generally, the solution set after simplification is the same as before. If there are special cases, they should be properly explained. Also, depending on the situation, the second step can be skipped, and the equation of the curve can be directly listed."

The teacher's gaze completely changed when looking at Song He. It was as if he’d cracked open a piece of rock to find a massive piece of jade inside!

Hmm? This student is rather extraordinary!

He had just asked about complex problems from the college entrance examination. The student answered flawlessly. It was evident that he had really learned thoroughly!

Even some sophomores and seniors are hard-pressed to answer these kinds of questions so fluently. For a freshman to demonstrate this level, it's truly amazing!

"One final question. How many methods are there to calculate eccentricity?" After some thought, the teacher threw out the question.

The last question is unlikely to be answered. It is not covered in the textbooks, and is seldom mentioned in supplementary materials. Only a huge amount of practice could provide the required experience.

Students who try to get ahead of the curve can become complacent. Deliberately posing a question they can't answer just serves as a gentle reminder — you still have to diligently go through the exercises, kid!"

The homeroom teacher fixed her gaze on Song He, hoping to discern a hint of confusion in his face.

But there was none — Song He was ready to answer!

"I know there are two solutions. I've previewed this topic!" Zhao Yiyi blurted out, unexpectedly cutting into the conversation.

"There are more than two. I've encountered five." Song He shook his head.

"Five?" Zhao Yiyi was taken aback, her voice wavering with uncertainty. "Are... are there that many?"

"The first solution is to directly calculate values for a and c, then use division to solve for e. The second solution employs formulas. For instance, the eccentricity of a hyperbola is obtained by adding 1 to the square of b divided by the square of a, whereas it's subtracted for an ellipse. The third solution involves constructing homogenous equations, particularly quadratic ones, for a and c. The fourth solution, known as the second definition method, uses the ratio of a moving point's distance to the focus and the corresponding directrix–this method is applicable for problems involving the semi-latus rectum." Song He paused, "The last one, I've only seen it, not yet mastered it, sets up inequalities for e to find its range."

The homeroom teacher's eyes widened in surprise. He was actually able to answer and quite thoroughly at that!

Damn, what a genius!

Who would have guessed that in a mere class of elites, there would be a student comparable to the prodigies in the rocket class?

This level of achievement could even put him at the top of the new students in a rocket class!

"Distribute these papers. I'll go to the office to get you a math competition practice book," the homeroom teacher said, pushing a stack of papers towards Song He. Her tone was much softer, "Three of the students I previously taught in the rocket class ended up in Tsinghua or Beijing University through math competitions. Every elite class only has one spot for such competitions. You can try if you're interested."

Song He was startled. He hadn't expected such an unexpected opportunity and quickly expressed his gratitude.

The homeroom teacher hastily left the room.

Just as Song He was about to distribute the stack of forms from the desk, a small hand reached out and grabbed his arm.

Zhao Yiyi's face was full of horror, "Holy crap, Song He, you went over all this ahead of time? Are you insane? Did you spend all your holiday just eating and sleeping in the world of math?"

"Of course not, besides Math, I've focused heavily on Biology too," Song He replied nonchalantly.

【Zhao Yiyi is terrified of your learning momentum, loses confidence drastically, resentment value +2!】

【Ding Yangze, who spectates everything, is greatly shocked, resentment value +1!】

Seeing the unfamiliar name, Song He paused for a moment before the bespectacled male behind reached out his hand.

"Dude, you're really on fire. I'm Ding Yangze. I scored 670 in the middle school exam, just one point shy from making it to the rocket class," Ding Yangze said with a face full of awe, "I’ve also studied ahead in Math but I'm far from your level. Could you possibly tutor me in math in the future?"

"Sure. I’m Song He, I scored 620 in the middle school exam.” Song He shakes his hand and leaves, documents in hand.

Ding Yangze sat bewildered in his seat, only 620 points?

He scored fifty points less than me in the middle school exam, yet now he’s so awesome? Is this the legendary “overtaking on a curve during the summer holidays”?

Or is this guy really lopsided in his grades? Scoring full marks in math, but failing another?

"Hey classmate, I saw that you came in with Song He, do you guys know each other?" Ding Yangze turned to Zhao Yiyi.

"He was in my class during middle school," Zhao Yiyi winked, a bit proud mysteriously.

"Is he seriously skewed towards a single subject? Full marks in math, but weak in other subjects?" Ding Yangze curiously asked.

"Indeed Song He only focuses on Math, but he isn't biased towards being stronger in it. Rather, he leans towards being weaker," Zhao Yiyi shook her head to deny, "He performed great in other subjects in the middle school exam, but barely passed Math."

"Barely passed?" Ding Yangze was totally blindsided, "Seriously?"

"Seriously, his worst subject in the middle school entrance exam was math." Zhao Yiyi's face was full of fear, "I didn't expect him to catch up on math during the vacation and he did so fiercely. His only weakness is gone, Song He might be invincible now!"

"Struggled for a whole summer just to turn his weak subject into his strength? Holy moly, this guy is too terrifying!" Ding Yangze immediately got goosebumps all over his body.

On the other side of the classroom.

Song He was busy distributing procedural documents to his classmates, with which they could go and pick up dormitory supplies.

Suddenly, a subtitle pops up before his eyes.

【Ding Yangze heard that you used to be the worst at math, generates fear, resentment +6!】

【Total resentment value 10, do you want to activate the Learning Tyrant Resentment System?】

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